Career Tip #7: There is a difference between writing your resume to showcase yourself in the best light and embellishing the truth. This is especially true of educational credentials. If you attended College but did not graduate, do not list a degree, nor put a graduation date. If your education is verified, you can be rejected for the position or fired if you are already working. Even if you do not lose your job, your integrity will henceforth be under question.
Career Tip #8
Career Tip #8: When you called in sick to work, did you post on Facebook pictures of yourself out partying with friends the same day? You might not have a job when you return if your boss or coworkers view your page. Prior to presenting a job offer, that company you are interviewing with might prescreen your Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts.
Be aware, in this Social Media world, anything you post online has potential impact on your career. If you aren’t going to moderate your behavior, at a minimum, educate yourself on privacy settings.
Career Tip #9
Career Tip #9: A headhunter’s job is to know the top producers in the industry they cover. If you are a top performer, you SHOULD be getting calls and emails from recruiters.
Just as “A-List” actors and atheletes are represented by agents to facilitate strategic career moves behind the scenes, so too top business professionals are represented by recruiting professionals who help advance the careers of those they work with.
Career Tip #10
Career Tip #10: According to a recent survey on hiring, the most important pedigree for a candidate to have – considered more than three times more important than having an advanced degree, a history of creative thinking, a history of cutting costs or having worked for brand name employers – is having a demonstrated history of creating revenue.
Being a top producer is the name of the game.
Career Tip #11
Career Tip #11: Your attitude about your job and your employer is noted, by everyone around you, including your boss. If you haven’t received a raise or promotion lately while others around you have, take a good look at yourself and ask if a negative attitude could be sabotaging your career goals.
Career Tip #12
Career Tip #12: Role play with a partner your responses to typical interview questions prior to the big day. Most of us don’t interview often and are therefore not very good at it. Practice makes your answers smoother and more professional and will help calm pre-interview jitters.